Boris<br /> Tevlin


  • Years of work: 1959 - 2012
  • Professor

Professor Boris Grigorevich Tevlin is the world famous choral conductor. He graduated with a first-class honors degree from the Moscow Conservatoire in 1957 acquiring two professions: a choral conductor (prof. V. Mukhin class) and an organist (prof. A. Gedike class). He completed his postgraduate course in 1962 (under prof. A. Sveshnikov).

For 40 years (1953–1993) Boris Tevlin’s professional activity was concerned with the Moscow Youth and Student Choir. Directed by him this collective won a wide international recognition, that can be testified by a number of victories at the international competitions: Guido d’Arezzo (Italy 1970), Tallinn (Estonia, 1972), Varna (Bulgaria, 1975), Cork (Ireland, 1981) and Tolosa (Spain, 1989).

Boris Tevlin has been a teacher at the Moscow Conservatory since 1959, where he holds a professorship  (1993–2007 Head a chair of choral conducting). He was rewarded many honorable titles: laureate of the Glinka State Award, the Russian Federation Government Award in the field of Culture, the Moscow Government Award, the Lomonosov Award, the Irina Arkhipova Foundation Award (gold medal), ‘Russian Performing Art’ Foundation Award, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Holder of the Medal of Honor and the 4th class Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Prince Daniil Moskovsky’s Order of the Russian Orthodox Church, the 1st class Order of Peter the Great. Boris Tevlin is an honorary citizen of Sochi (1966) and Saratov (2006). He is also an honorary professor of Qiqihar University (China).

From 1979 to 1991 Boris Tevlin headed the Choir of Students of Moscow Conservatory. In 1987 Boris Tevlin founded Mixed Choir of Choirmasters of Russia, in 1994 he headed the Russian-American Choir.

Since 1995 he is a founder and an unchallenged director of the Chamber Choir of Moscow Conservatory. The collective directed by prof. Tevlin won the Grand Prix and two gold medals at the Riva del Garda International Choral Festival in Italy. The Choir took first prize and the gold medal at the first Brahms International Choral Competition at Wernigerode in Germany in 1999. In 2003 the Choir won first prize at the twenty-second International Festival of Orthodox Church Music at Hajnuwka in Poland. And the Moscow ensemble was the winner of the first World Choral Olympics at Linz in Austria in 2000. In 2008 the Chamber Choir won the prestigious German Music Award "Echo Klassik 2008" for the record of the Rodion Shchedrin’s choral opera "Boyarina Morozova"  in the category "Opera recording of the year — XX–XXI century".

Boris Tevlin leads master-classes in Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, China, USA, France, Yugoslavia. . He is chairman of the All-Russia choir competitions “Singing Russia”, “Moscow Sounds”; he is international choral contests jury member, including the World Choral Olympic Games in Seoul (Korea, 2002), Bremen (Germany, 2004).

Boris Tevlin in an author of a great number of methodological articles, reviews, creative portraits and memoirs. In 2001 publishing house "Music" publishes the book «Boris Tevlin. Choral ways» (the editor - professor V.S.Tsenova).

Since 2005 prof. Tevlin is a musical director of “Autumn Choral Festival” of the Moscow Conservatory. In 2007 he was a founder, an art director and the conductor of the master-class “National Youth Choir of Russian Conservatories”.

Since 2008 prof. Tevlin is an art director and a chief conductor of the Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir.

Since 2011 the Head of department of contemporary choral conducting and performing art.

«As a musician, I thank Boris Tevlin for his huge contribution to Music. His friendship with talented modern composers has led to the appearance of many new remarkable works»

Mstislav Rostropovich

“Boris Tevlin’s Chamber Choiris one of the most professional and successful choir ensembles in Russia”.

Valery Gergiev

«Such a musician as Tevlin in an every spot on the globe would be just a fortune gift, a heaven gift, would it be in Los Angeles, New York, Berlin or Shanghai. He is able to carry people with music, with idea, and with act».

Rodion Shchedrin

Alexei Rudnevsky


Igor Dronov

Honored Artist of Russia

Natalia Koshkaryova



Anatoliy Kislyakov

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Evgeny Volkov

Associate Professor

Alexander Toplov

Associate Professor

Taras Yasenkov

Senior Assistant Professor

Elena Zolotova

Assistant Professor

Mariya Chelmakina



«Как нарисовать птицу». К 75-летию Ефрема Подгайца


«Пересечение миров. К 90-летию Альфреда Шнитке»


«Пересечение миров. К 90-летию Альфреда Шнитке»


«Пересечение миров. К 90-летию Альфреда Шнитке»


XVIII Международный хоровой фестиваль имени профессора Б.Г. Тевлина»
