
The Chamber Choir in the Lugansk People’s Republic

The Chamber Choir in the Lugansk People’s Republic

The Moscow Conservatory Chamber Choir, supported by the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, traveled to the Lugansk People’s Republic on 15–16 April 2024.

April 16 2024

A musical fairy-tale by Alexander Vershinin

A musical fairy-tale by Alexander Vershinin

Subscription No. 26. Music for children. The Rachmaninoff Hall

April 14 2024

“Interaction with Percussion,” a lecture-concert by <i>CEAM Percussion</i>

“Interaction with Percussion,” a lecture-concert by CEAM Percussion

The Moscow Conservatory’s Center for Electroacoustic Music. The Artemiev art space

April 12 2024

On the 150<sup>th</sup> anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory’s Harp Class

On the 150th anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory’s Harp Class

Dedication to Professor Vera Dulova (1909–2000), People’s Artist of the USSR. Students and graduates of the Moscow Conservatory, as well as laureates of international competitions, are on the stage of the Small Hall.

April 10 2024

“Nikolai Golovanov and Today’s Paths of Sacred Music”

“Nikolai Golovanov and Today’s Paths of Sacred Music”

The opening ceremony of an international scholarly conference in the course of the Seventh International Lenten Choir Festival. The Conference Hall

April 10 2024

The Moscow Conservatory Holding Its Day of Open Doors

The Moscow Conservatory Holding Its Day of Open Doors

The program of the event includes visits to open lessons and rehearsals, consultations on music theory courses and various other activities.

April 06 2024

Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolayev (piano)

Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolayev (piano)

Subscription No. 19. On Tatiana Nikolayeva’s Centennial. Music by Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt and Ravel in the Small Hall

April 04 2024

Yury Martynov (piano)

Yury Martynov (piano)

Subscription No. 12. The Art of Piano Performance: Cycle Two. Music by Frédéric Chopin in the Small Hall

March 29 2024

“The Virtuosi of Choral Singing” in the Small Hall

“The Virtuosi of Choral Singing” in the Small Hall

The Virtuosi of Choral Singing Academic Grand Choir of the Orpheus Radio Station. Artistic director and conductor: Leo Kontorovich. Timed to the 125th anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory Small Hall.

March 13 2024

“Pages of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Family Album”

“Pages of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Family Album”

On 16 February 2024, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory took part in the exhibition “Pages of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Family Album” prepared by Alexander Yermakov (1951–2022), the founder of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Museum-Reserve Ivanovka, in the composer’s apartment on Strastnoy Boulevard (Moscow).

February 16 2024

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