
Final of the Fifth Competition of Young Composers

Final of the Fifth Competition of Young Composers

On 15 May 15 2023, the results of the 5th Young Composers Competition were announced.

May 15 2023

<i>Electro|baroque</i>. Old music in the prism of live electronics

Electro|baroque. Old music in the prism of live electronics

Baroque music performed on authentic instruments with elements of improvisation combined with live electronics. The multimedia exhibition Music of Machines

May 14 2023

The Seventh Nikolai Myaskovsky International Competition of Young Composers

The Seventh Nikolai Myaskovsky International Competition of Young Composers

The winners of the Seventh Nikolai Myaskovsky Competition are announced.

April 29 2023

A Meeting at the Valaam Monastery

A Meeting at the Valaam Monastery

The first joint event as part of the cooperation program between the Valaam Monastery and the Moscow Conservatory took place on 25 April 2023.

April 25 2023

<i>Music of Computing Machines</i>

Music of Computing Machines

The updated exposition Music of Computing Machines opened with an electronic noise improvisation by Oleg Makarov and Katya Rekk. Video Artist: Alexander Pettay.

April 25 2023

Sergey Rachmaninoff. The Vespers

Sergey Rachmaninoff. The Vespers

To Sergei Rachmaninoff’s 150th anniversary. The Boy and Male Choir of Viktor Popov Academy of Choral Art, conductor: Alexei Petrov. The Moscow Conservatory Chamber Choir, Artistic Director and Conductor: Alexander Solovyev. The Rachmaninoff Hall

April 24 2023

The Violin Gala Concert

The Violin Gala Concert

A concert in the Small Hall dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Prof. Vladimir Ivanov, the Moscow Conservatory’s Orchestral Faculty Dean and Head of the Department of Solo Violin Performance, People’s Artist of Russia. His students of various years take part in the concert.

April 18 2023

Presentation of a collective monograph <i>Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Style</i>

Presentation of a collective monograph Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Style

A collective monograph Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Style was presented to the composer’s 150th anniversary at the Moscow Conservatory’s Conference Hall.

April 18 2023

Sergey Rachmaninoff. All songs

Sergey Rachmaninoff. All songs

To Sergey Rachmaninoff’s 150th anniversary. Soloists on the stage of the Small Hall.

April 17 2023

Concert to Prof. Vladimir Ivanov’s 75<sup>th</sup> anniversary

Concert to Prof. Vladimir Ivanov’s 75th anniversary

Performers: Rubin Abdullin (organ), Andrei Pisarev (piano), Pavel Milyukov (violin), the Moscow Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, conductor Vyacheslav Valeyev. The Great Hall

April 12 2023

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