Conferences - archive (2021)
10th European Music Analysis Conference
Dates of the Congress: 20–25 September 2021
20 September 2021 - 25 September 2021Video (1)
The Tenth European Congress on Music Analysis (EuroMAC 10)
The Congress is held by Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and Russia’s Society for Theory of Music (STM), supported by all European societies of music theory and music analysis.
20 September 2021 - 24 September 2021Video (1)
International Scholarly Conference Dedicated to Prof. Tevlin’s 90th Anniversary
On 1 October 2021, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, together with the Association of Folk and Choral Groups of Russia’s Music Association and the Foundation for Development of Creative Initiatives, is holding the International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Ways of Today’s Choral Culture Development: Theory, Performance, Teaching,” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Prof. Boris Tevlin. Please e-mail your applications for participation to:
not later than 15 September 2021.
15 September 2021Kulturforum “Klang, Geste, Bewegung in der Kunst”
Bewerbungen für die Teilnahme an dem Forum, Anmeldungen und Materialien für die Konferenz sollten bis zum 17. Mai 2021.
7 June 2021 - 11 June 2021