International Symposium “Prokofiev in the 21st Century”
01 December 2016 - 03 December 2016 |
Dedicated to Sergei Prokofiev’s 125th anniversary
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The Glinka All-Russian Consortium of Music Culture Museums
Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
Within the frameworks of the Fifth St. Petersburg International Culture Forum
St. Petersburg, 1–3 December 2016
The St. Petersburg International Culture Forum is a unique site for annual meetings, an open fruitful dialogue and an exchange of experience between experts in the area of culture and cultural policy, as well as statesmen, politicians and businessmen. Issues of the development of today’s cultural life in Russia and throughout the world will be raised at the forum.
Within the all-Russian context, the St. Petersburg International Culture Forum is positioned as a pivotal event in the cultural life of the great country at the time of both revival of its national identity and reconsideration of its position in the world. One of the main topics of the forum is the Sergei Prokofiev Year in Russia, which is announced by President Vladimir Putin in 2016.
The Idea of the Symposium
The symposium is to unite both music scholars and amateurs, as well as the leading musicologists, performers, composers, culture and art workers in Russia and abroad. It is expected to discuss issues of novelty and relevance in arts, as well as the reception of Prokofiev’s music and diverse influences that his oeuvre of the 20th century has made on today’s culture.
The Format of the Event
The innovational format of the event to be applied within the frameworks of the symposium is a synthesis of traditional and classical disciplines on the one hand with some non-standard contemporary ones on the other hand:
the ‘Classical’ one, which is a scholarly block where authoritative experts and young scholars may participate. Speeches, discussions and polemics may be presented;
the ‘non-Classical’ one, a workshop targeted to wide audience, is to present interesting art projects and music of different genres. Presentations, panel discussions, interviews, master classes, workshops, public speeches and TV translations may be presented.
On the last day of the symposium, the participants of its scholarly and practical blocks will share their impressions with each other, as well as consider a prospective of learning Prokofiev’s music in the 21st century at an open site. Such a combination of formats and genres is going to let attract versatile audience for the discussion of issues concerning preservation and popularization of the national cultural heritage.
The cultural program intends to hold open topical events at various sites throughout St. Petersburg.
Main Topics
- Topical issues of studying Sergei Prokofiev’s oeuvre;
- New sources revealing Prokofiev’s new image;
- Prokofiev’s oeuvre and the contemporary school of composition;
- Interpretations of Prokofiev’s oeuvre by performers, musicologists and music theorists;
- Prokofiev’s works for music theater interpreted by stage managers, choreographers and scene designers;
- Prokofiev’s music in view of contemporary art;
- New contexts of Prokofiev’s music in view of cinematography, TV, animation and multimedia;
- Prokofiev’s music in contemporary interpretations: from jazz and rock towards remixes and remakes;
- Prokofiev’s oeuvre in the context of academic electronic and electro-acoustic music;
- Prokofiev’s music in view of choreography: dance, ballet, sports.
The topic “New concepts and projects for the space of museums” will be an additional part of the program.
Scholars, researchers, students, museum experts, composers, artists, producers, scene designers, performers, stage managers, music critics, teachers, marketing experts, representatives of cultural and public organizations
The working languages of the symposium are Russian and English.
The Conditions of Participation in the Symposium
The Organizing Committee invites everyone who is interested. No registration fee is charged. Any manner of participation requires that an application be forwarded in advance at: The registration form will be available on the official website of the Fifth St. Petersburg International Culture Forum: The start of registration will be announced later. Travel, accommodation and transportation expenses shall be covered by the participants themselves.
If you wish to make a presentation in the ‘classical’ format, an abstract of your report* (1000 characters in MWord, a size of 14 points), together with your current photo and CV, have to be forwarded at the above-listed e-mail before 30 July 2016.
If you wish to make a presentation in the ‘non-classical’ format, a brief description of your material, together with your current photo, CV and requirements for the equipment you need, have to be forwarded at the above-listed e-mail before 30 July 2016. In order to participate in the ‘non-classical’ format, it would be enough to pass the registration procedure in advance.
*The reports and statements may be accepted for presentation only if they have not been published before, meet the announced topics and contain some new materials, scholarly standpoints and interpretations.
!!! Please note that the program committee reserves the right to a competitive selection of the materials received.
The Program Committee
- Belaya, Irina
Director of Prokofiev’s Apartment-Turned-Museum
(Unit of the Glinka All-Russian Consortium of Music Culture) - Bukharin, Andrey
music critic, journalist - Farkhadov, Rauf, D.A.
an expert of the Contemporary Music Association - Ginzburg, Tatiana
Academic Secretary of the Glinka All-Russian Consortium of Music Culture Museums - Kravets, Nelly, Ph.D., Professor
Tel-Aviv University (Israel) - Morrison, Simon, Ph.D., M.F.A., Professor
Princeton University (the USA) - Savkina, Natalia, Ph.D., Assc. Professor
Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory - Tsaregradskaya, Tatiana, D.A., Professor
Russia’s Gnessins Academy of Music - Yemelina, Natalia
Head of the International Department of the Glinka All-Russian Consortium of Music Culture Museums - Zenkin, Konstantin, D.A., Professor
Deputy Rector of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory for Scholarly Matters
The Glinka All-Russian Consortium of Music Culture Museums
4 Fadeyev Street, Moscow, 125047, Russian Federation
General Information: +7 (495) 739 6226 ext. 117; +7 (916) 043 9376
Information regarding the ‘Classical’ format: +7 (495) 739 6226 ext. 116
Information regarding the ‘non-Classical’ format: +7 (495) 692 0567
Additional information about the symposium will be available on the official website of the Glinka All-Russian Consortium of Music Culture Museums. The webpages dedicated to Sergei Prokofiev’s 125th anniversary: • •