Competition for the Best Round Two Piece at the Competition of Performers on Wind and Percussion Instruments

The competition is held every year at the beginning of autumn. There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid. The laureates’ compositions will be the obligatory pieces to be performed in Round Two of the same year’s Competition of Performers on Wind and Percussion Instruments.
The 15th International Composers’ Competition for the 15th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 15th International Composers’ Competition for the 15th International Wind/Percussion Competition

Category: a piece for solo marimba.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications and music sheets: 15 September 2024.

16 September 2024 - 23 September 2024
The 14th International Composers’ Competition for the 14th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 14th International Composers’ Competition for the 14th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo flute;
(2) a piece for solo tuba.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 10 September 2023.

11 September 2023 - 20 September 2023
The 13th International Composers’ Competition for the 13th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 13th International Composers’ Competition for the 13th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo clarinet;
(2) a piece for solo trumpet.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 31 August 2022.

1 September 2022 - 11 September 2022
The 12th International Composers’ Competition for the 12th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 12th International Composers’ Competition for the 12th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo oboe;
(2) a piece for solo French horn.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 30 August 2020.

31 August 2020 - 4 September 2020
The 11th International Composers’ Competition for the 11th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 11th International Composers’ Competition for the 11th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo bassoon;
(2) a piece for solo tenor trombone.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 26 August 2019.

28 August 2019 - 3 September 2019
The 10th International Composers’ Competition for the 10th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 10th International Composers’ Competition for the 10th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for percussion ensemble;
(2) a piece for woodwind quintet.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 27 August 2018.

28 August 2018 - 3 September 2018
The 9th International Composers’ Competition for the 9th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 9th International Composers’ Competition for the 9th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo flute;
(2) a piece for solo tuba.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 27 August 2017.

28 August 2017 - 31 August 2017
The 8th International Composers’ Competition for the 8th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 8th International Composers’ Competition for the 8th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo clarinet;
(2) a piece for solo trumpet.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 1 September 2016.

1 November 2016 - 8 November 2016
The 7th International Composers’ Competition for the 7th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 7th International Composers’ Competition for the 7th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo oboe;
(2) a piece for solo French horn.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 1 September 2015.

6 November 2015 - 14 November 2015
The 6th International Composers’ Competition for the 6th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 6th International Composers’ Competition for the 6th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo bassoon;
(2) a piece for solo tenor trombone.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 1 September 2014.

1 November 2014 - 8 November 2014
The 5th International Composers’ Competition for the 5th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 5th International Composers’ Competition for the 5th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for percussion ensemble;
(2) a piece for woodwind quintet.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 1 September 2013.

1 November 2013 - 8 November 2013
The 4th International Composers’ Competition for the 4th International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 4th International Composers’ Competition for the 4th International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo flute;
(2) a piece for solo tuba.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 1 September 2012.

1 November 2012 - 8 November 2012
The 3rd International Composers’ Competition for the 3rd International Wind/Percussion Competition

The 3rd International Composers’ Competition for the 3rd International Wind/Percussion Competition

(1) a piece for solo clarinet;
(2) a piece for solo trumpet.

There are no age restrictions or registration fee to be paid.

Deadline for applications, documents and scores: 1 September 2011.

1 November 2011 - 8 November 2011

1. General Provisions

1.1. The full official name of the competition is The International Competition of Composers of the Best Obligatory Piece to Be Performed in Round Two of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory’s International Competition of Performers on Wind and Percussion Instruments (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Competition of Composers for the Wind/Percussion Competition,” abbreviated as “the Composers’ Competition for the WPC”).

1.2. The Composers’ Competition for the WPC was established in 2009 by Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Conservatory”).

1.3. The Composers’ Competition for the WPC is held at the beginning of every autumn. The dates of the respective year’s Competition are to be specified and published on the Conservatory’s official website in advance: see the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number.

1.4. The piece composed by a laureate of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number will be announced an obligatory piece to be performed in Round Two of the Conservatory’s International Competition of Performers on Wind and Percussion Instruments (hereinafter to be referred to as “the WPC”) of the same year with the same number in the respective category (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Piece”): see the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number.

2. Prizes of the Composers’ Competition for the Wind/Percussion Competition

2.1. The Organizing Committee of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Organizing Committee”: see clause 7.1) will announce two monetary prizes for the laureates, one per each Piece to be considered the best in its category. The amounts of each prize are to be specified and published on the Conservatory’s official website in advance: see the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number.

2.2. Upon the Organizing Committee’s consent, public organizations, foundations, mass media and/or individuals may establish any additional prizes, awards and/or gifts for the competing composers. Decisions to award any special prizes and/or gifts will be made by the Jury of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Jury Team”).

2.3. Both prizes will be paid to the laureates in rubles, tax deducted under Russia’s legislation.

3. The Jury Team of the Composers’ Competition for the Wind/Percussion Competition

3.1. Members of the Jury Team are to be appointed by the Organizing Committee, and their list is to be published on the Conservatory’s official website in advance: see the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number.

3.2. No member of the Jury Team, including the chairperson, may undertake any direct or indirect actions aiming to disclose the authorship of either Piece (see clauses 5.1.2 and 5.4).

3.3. All decisions of the Jury Team are final and irrevocable.

3.4. No member of the Jury Team, including the chairperson, may vote for any competing composers who officially have been/were his/her students during the three years immediately preceding the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year. Should such a case take place, the respective member of the Jury Team must notify the Organizing Committee thereon in writing prior to the beginning of the Jury’s work.

3.5. The Jury Team may recommend that the Conservatory publish the Pieces whose authors received no award at the Composers’ Competition for the WPC.

4. Procedure for Holding the Composers’ Competition for the Wind/Percussion Competition

4.1. Any authors, with no limitations whatsoever, may participate in the Composers’ Competition for the WPC.

4.2.1. Every author may submit for each Composers’ Competition for the WPC one and the only Piece in any of the categories of the respective year:

  • (a) a Piece for solo flute / oboe / clarinet / bassoon / French horn / trumpet / tenor trombone / tuba — for any Composers’ Competition for the WPC whose number ends with neither 5 nor 0;
  • (b) either a Piece for one percussionist or a Piece for woodwind quintet — for the Composers’ Competitions for the WPC whose numbers end with either 5 or 0.

4.2.2. The duration of the Piece must be no less than five and no more than seven minutes.

4.3. No Pieces earlier published, publicly performed or awarded with any prizes at any other competitions of composers may participate in the Composers’ Competition for the WPC.

4.4. No laureate of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number may withdraw the performance of his/her Piece in Round Two of the same year’s WPC with the same number.

5. Submission of the Application and the Piece

5.1. In order to participate in the Composers’ Competition for the WPC, the applicant must:

  • 5.1.1. fill out his/her personal online application form (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Application”) — see the link on the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number;
  • 5.1.2. forward the score of his/her Piece marked by the applicant’s identifying password only (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Password”), with no name on it, as a PDF file to the Organizing Committee’s official e-mail address (see clause 7.1.2). In case the Piece is composed for woodwind quintet, the author has to attach five PDF files with the parts of the Piece and to make sure that the Password on the score is identical to that on each part.

5.2. The deadline for submitting the Application and the score of the Piece (with the five parts, if it is composed for woodwind quintet) is to be specified and published on the Conservatory’s official website in advance: see the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number.

5.3. The fact of forwarding the Application and the score of the Piece to the Organizing Committee (see clauses 5.1.1 and 5.1.2) means the applicant’s unconditional consent with all the terms of these Regulations and their Annex.

5.4. No music material containing any applying composer’s personal information may be allowed to participate in the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year.

5.5. The Organizing Committee may reject any Applications and/or Pieces that do not meet any of the above-mentioned requirements.

5.6. An anonymous list of the Passwords will be published on the Conservatory’s official website in advance: see the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the respective year with a specific number.

6. Special Provisions

6.1. The Conservatory is one and the only owner of an exclusive copyright for audio- and/or video-recording, as well as for any TV and/or online broadcasts, of any public performances of the Pieces created by the laureates of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC.

6.2. The laureates of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC receive no copyright for any usage by the Conservatory of audio- and/or video-recording, as well as of any TV and/or online broadcasts, of any public performances of their Pieces (see clauses 1.4 and 4.4).

6.3. These Regulations are published on the webpage of the International Competition of Composers of the Best Obligatory Piece to Be Performed in Round Two of the Conservatory’s International Competition of Performers on Wind and Percussion Instruments, located on the Conservatory’s official website, both in Russian and in English. All the clauses that concern the holding of each Competition of Composers for the WPC with a specific number in the respective year are published on the webpage of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC of the same year with the same number, both in Russian and in English.

6.4. Should any dispute or disagreement arise in the interpretation of any of the terms of these Regulations and/or their Annex, the versions published in Russian shall prevail.

7. Contact Information

7.1. The Organizing Committee of the Composers’ Competition for the WPC is the Department for Festivals, Competitions and Special Events of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory’s Center for Coordinating Artistic Projects.

  • 7.1.1. Official telephone number: +7 (495) 055 5519.
  • 7.1.2. Official e-mail address:
  • 7.1.3. Official mailing address: 13 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, Moscow, 125009, Russia.